What is a film editor’s salary? – Guerrilla Filmmaking Techniques

In an era of global competition between the major global production houses, an entry-level production editor’s job is increasingly challenging.

Most editors are employed on a contract basis, meaning that one editor is responsible for many small stories and the production teams work very closely together.

This means that production assistants and other crew have the same job to do — editing a film. This is the main reason why they’re underpaid and overworked.

The best news for experienced editors is that their salaries have started to rise as the industry has matured.

That’s thanks to the rise of crowdfunding platforms and digital film distribution.

This has enabled directors and producers to create film campaigns or crowd-fund projects, and to receive much-needed equity funding.

It’s also helped to encourage talented editors to seek a higher level of experience in order to ensure that all the editing tasks are completed.

So what exactly is the average hourly amount for an entry-level, first-time editor’s salary?

The average hourly rate of an entry-level, first-time editor’s annual base salary is £26,000 per annum, or £27,400 per year.

This figure includes a standard pay package including an annual basic pay amount of £40,000 — a salary that covers the basic living costs of working as a editor, including a meal allowance and a uniform.

It also does not include any additional benefits. For example a film editor’s pension and/or other employee’s pension could be included, as these are typically paid for by the studio, not the editor.

Entry-level salaries have gone up significantly over the last decade.

The average annual rate increase for a first-time or full-time entry-level editor’s base salary is 7.2% annually (in 2015/16).

Of course, this year this figure was only 7%, with the industry having seen an average annual rate increase of 15%, and it had been increasing at an average annual rate of 21.9% in 2016/17.

So the average increase for an entry-level film editor is 14.6%, over five years.

This figure only covers one year of full-time employment, so the actual hourly rate for 2017/18 will probably be higher than this.

Note: this figure includes any other benefits (e.g. insurance). There are additional benefits which are not accounted for in the figures above.

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