Why is graffiti against the law? – Las Vegas Street Spray Paint Artist

And why is graffiti so often found on public property?”

This leads to the question of why graffiti has no official status in Germany; the answer for many is that graffiti is so popular that no one seriously takes an interest in the problem. The authorities know this. It is even clear to those who are most concerned that the police are not doing their job by the standards of their profession.

The German Police Union (Bund Deutscher Kreis) complains about this and says: “The police have to fight the battle in which there is not a clear enemy, and there is no clear path for them to succeed.”

I think that this is a rather sad reflection on the police’s profession. German police is a profession with the highest degree of professionalism. At the same time, we should not underestimate the fact that the police are not really interested in policing in a systematic way. Instead the police are only concerned with the small things. The police are in charge of collecting fines and the police are there to manage the “problem areas.” These are areas that the police are not in a position to solve on their own. The main problems in a city or a municipality are a large group of young people who are drinking, engaging in criminal activities, and committing crimes. So police are there as a backup to the mayor with the goal and the means to protect the city or to handle the problem quickly and effectively. To this end the police are the custodians of the urban landscape. They take on a particular kind of role. They protect the public from an increasing number of risks. They handle criminal activity, litter, public property, drug usage, and other such challenges.

When the police respond to graffiti, their role is clear– they remove graffiti, even if that is not legal graffiti. But they also take this job very seriously. When there is a request from the community for the removal of graffiti, the police are more than often the sole decision-makers. They take the first step to find the “master criminals,” the perpetrators and prevent them from committing future crimes.

Even the police, though, are not immune from some kind of damage. I know of a case in which two gang members attacked an old woman, who suffered serious cuts. The police were called and when they arrived they found several men beating their victim and tearing off her clothing. The police tried to do something about it, but their methods were not effective. The two attackers remained at large and only the woman got medical attention.

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